Project Veritas : 内部告発第二弾・ツイッター幹部の発言を暴露


VIJAYA GADDE, 法務、ポリシー、信用部門のトップ

beyond de-amplification, we are going to, cospiracy theories, we are going to be permanently suspending those accounts.
whether we believe Trump’s tweet are inciting and having real world harm, I think we’ve seen that in fact, they are.
since coming back from the timeout to deescalate the situation, in other places around the world where we’ve seen violence unfold as a result of either misleading information or coded rhetoric.
So, a lot of our learnings here have come from other markets.


So, in that sense, you know, we do feel like it is, this is our global approach.
We need to be very focused on being able to enforce any of these policies or enforcement decisions we make at scale.
I think long-term we want to be in terms of building trust and enforcing policies consistently and providing adamant notice before we take a very aggressive step like a permanent suspension.
There has also been a lot of questions about retrosective and of course we’re goint to do a retro.


I mean, we are in the midst of a restrospective around the election, and generally this will be most deninitely folded into Civic Integrity policy.
What we saw on Wednesday morning was really concerning to us, obviously.
So, a small team gathered from Trust and Safety and we were discussing, the potential for violence to happen.
And we decided to escalate our enforcement of the Civic Integrity policy and use a label that disabled engagements to stop the spread of potentially inflammatory content, which is the content around. election interference, election fraud, stealing the election, that type of thing.
we are going to, cospiracy theories, we are going to be permanently suspending those accounts.

信頼と安全の小さなチームが集まって 暴力が起こる可能性について話し合っていました。
選挙妨害、選挙詐欺、選挙泥棒などの扇動的なコンテンツの拡散を 止めるために活動を無効化するラベルを使うことにしました。


We are doing everything that we can to ensure that Twitter is being used in a positive way.

That positive way affects society

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