

NOQ Report - Conservative Christian News, Opinions, and Quotes

Ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration, Trump-supporters around t…

The tolerant left can’t stand actual peaceful protests from the right,
so they’ll do anything they can to turn them violent.


Ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration, Trump-supporters around the country plan on peacefully protesting
at their state capitols.
The FBI has issued warnings of armed incursions and other violence coming from these events, but thus far
the only people pushing for violence have been radical leftists.


One such leftist, Daniel Baker of Tallahassee, was arrested by the FBI today for transmission,
in interstate commerce, of a communication containing a threat to kidnap or to injure.
Baker issued a call to arms for like-minded individuals to violently confront protestors gathered at the Florida Capitol this Sunday.

  • transmission : 送信・伝送・伝達、メッセージ、信号
  • interstate : 州間をまたぐ
  • like-minded : 同じ考えを持つ、同志である、同好の

タラハシーのダニエル・ベイカー容疑者は、州間をまたぐ取引において、 誘拐や傷害の脅迫を含むメッセージを伝達した罪でFBIに逮捕されました。

Baker, who participated in multiple Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots over the summer, is a former U.S. Army Airborne infantryman who was kicked out of the service for going AWOL ahead of
deployment to Iraq.
Since then, he’s been promoting a radical progressive ideology rife with leftist racism and pure
hatred for President Trump.

  • infantryman : 歩兵
  • AWOL : 無許可の離隊、無断離脱
  • rife : 悪い物事、病気などが蔓延している、流行している
    • rife with ... : 病気などが蔓延している、噂などが広まっている、~に満ちている


This narrative is accurate despite efforts by the left to shift it.
We’re even in the middle of an impeachment against the President for “inciting insurrection” despite unambiguous evidence that radical leftists with Antifa and Black Lives Matter participated in stirring up the events on January 6th.


Yesterday, John Earle Sullivan was arrested and faces federal charges for his role in the Capitol riots.
Before that, he was a well-known progressive provocateur who pushed for violence against conservatives.

  • provocateur : 工作員、まわし者、おとり

